1. What is your writing process? Do you write every day?
I write every day. If I don’t, I seem to lose momentum. Some days the writing is difficult and I may not accomplish as much as I would have liked, but it’s important to keep the creative juices flowing.
2. Do you write using an outline?
No. I’ve discovered using an outline doesn’t work for me. But I always write my endings first, so I know where I’m going. I just don’t know how to get there yet. Next, I find a starting point and go from there. The storyline and characters drive the story forward. It’s like going on an adventure.
3. It is said that writing is a lonely profession. Do you think that’s true?
In a way, it is lonely because you work alone. But in other ways, it’s not lonely. I think Patricia Cornwell said it best when she said, and I’m paraphrasing, “That the only time I’m lonely is when I’m not writing. Because when I’m writing, I have all my characters to keep me company.”
4. Where do you get your ideas?
My ideas come from different sources. Some come from a tidbit I may hear on the news, or hear someone talking about that with the right twist and turns would make a good story. Other ideas come from a combination of subjects that merge into a storyline. But I’m always thinking about plots or characters. I even dream about my characters or what's going to happen next in a story. The creativity never turns off.
5. Do you create your characters from people you know?
No. There’s no cookie-cutter method for creating characters. I create my characters from a hodgepodge of character traits of people I’ve met or seen. People on the street, in restaurants, bars, stores, on trains, in airports, and even traits from childhood friends. A character has many facets, and you have to get to know your characters deep down. Their likes and dislikes. So I create my characters from the slush pile floating around in my head.
6. Do you have any advice for aspiring writers?
Write every day. Even if it’s only a paragraph or two. Writing every day, keeps you motivated. And write about what interests you. Plus, use Writer’s Market for marketing your stories. And don’t take rejections personally.
7. What’s next?
Currently I’m working on the second novel in the Nick Price Series. It has a working title of Unlawful Justice. Plus, I’m putting together a book of short stories about a character of mine named Arthur Tibbles. It has a working title of Arthur Tibbles, The Adventures of a Perceived Lunatic.